Dadacha Bassa Residents Elated as They Get a Taste of the Tap Water for the First Time

Residents of the far-flung township of Dadacha Bassa were full of joy as the administration of Governor Abdi Ibrahim Guyo commissioned a borehole which will be supplying clean water to the residents.

This development, according to the locals, was a ground-breaking initiative as they have ‘never had a taste of the tap water before’.

The residents who were present as the commissioning happened thanked the governor profusely for ‘taking the jerrycans off of our women’s back’ and for being ‘a man who keeps his promise to the people.’

“I am in my seventies now and have never ventured outside this small township. I never thought that a day will come when I will be drinking water that is coming from a faucet,” quipped an elder from the township who had arrived in time to witness the historic development being unveiled in his locality.

He added that while he always had dreams of such development happening in his area, he didn’t think that it will happen in his lifetime.

He says that his two wives will now be spared the agony of travelling several kilometres in search of water which often times isn’t even clean and suitable for human consumption.

“I am very pleased to witness this development happening in my township.” Says Zaituna Kalicha, a college student from the area.

“I have witnessed my mother and other women travelling for long distances just to get a jerrycan of water, I have also accompanied them on a number of occasion and it is such a dangerous and tedious activity especially during the times when insecurity was so rife in the area, and am truly glad that this has ended today all thanks to Governor Guyo’s administration,” Ms. Kalicha added.

Hussein Barako, a youth from the area was also overjoyed by the prospect of having clean tap water in his neighbourhood.

“I was right here when Governor Guyo was campaigning in this locality and I didn’t give much thought to it when he(Governor Guyo) promised to drill a borehole here to supply us with clean tap water.” He reminisced.

Mr. Barako further clarified that while he didn’t vote for the incumbent at the time, he says the governor has now earned his vote.

“When Guyo was here on campaign promising to initiate a tap water project, I just brushed it off as the empty promises politicians usually make to earn people’s votes.”

Video: A young boy cooling his body as the first clean water tap commissioned in his township

“I am now fully satisfied that the governor is a man of action who keeps promises. This is truly a very monumental moment for us. Other leaders have promised us heaven before and delivered nothing. I have now decided that if 2027 finds me alive, my vote will go to none other than governor Guyo.” Added an elated Mr. Barako.

In other news, it was the same case for the residents of Kombola, a township located on the far-side of Isiolo South constituency who witnessed the commissioning of tap water project, a first for them.

The residents thanked the governor and his administration for following up on their pleas for clean water and ensuring that the project was delivered and in good time.

The residents promised their undivided support for the governor and vowed to reelect him at all costs.

See the video below for more context.

The administration of governor Abdi Ibrahim Hassan has been on a roll on provision of services to the wananchi especially clean water which was one of the cornerstones in his manifesto.

In this pursuit, the governor has engaged the private sector and various non-governmental organizations(NGOs) on top of the boreholes that the county government budgets in realizing his vision of ensuring all the residents of Isiolo County have access to ample clean water sources.

A representative of the county government who spoke to revealed to us that this was just the beginning and that many more boreholes will be drilled especially in the remote parts of Isiolo County to ensure everyone has access to clean water.

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