Humanity: Diba Matacho sitting for KCSE exams thanks to Mama Kayo


Diba Matacho is a young man from Marsabit County whose heart-wrenching story hit headlines in both the local and national news outlets after it emerged that he has been imprisoned inside the four corners of the hospital due to a health condition he developed while undergoing treatment for Tuberculosis.

Matacho had been a student at Marsabit Day Secondary School when he was hospitalised in 2018. He successfully underwent treatment for chronic tuberculosis but the remedy came with one life threatening condition for the then form two student. His lungs collapsed as a result of the strong medication that is used for the condition.

The lungs later deteriorated forming lung fibroids making it entirely impossible for him to breath normally. From then, his doctors (including the facility’s chief executive officer of Marsabit County Referral Hospital Dr. Liban Wako) determined that Diba cannot stay far away from an oxygen concentrator. This is because without proximity to such facilities, he cannot live for more than ten minutes. This meant that the young lad who before this was described as full of life has to continue spending his time at the facility to cling to his hitherto disoriented life. It’s been nearly four years since then and Diba who had registered as a private student for the Kenya Secondary Certificate Examinations(KCSE) which his peers had already done with made a public appeal to get a portable oxygen concentrator which would have allowed him to be able to get to the examination centre and write his papers.

Well, now he is doing just that after Mama Kayo, H.E. Alamitu Jattani, the first lady of Marsabit County came to the rescue in time. It turns out Mrs. Jattani contacted an organization called help to get a portable oxygen generator for Matacho, just what he needed to be able to move around and get out of the precincts of the hospital and get a feel of what it takes to soak in the sun and attempt chores like normal people do.

Waso Media Group Ltd and ICBNews fraternity wholeheartedly thanks the first lady-Marsabit for her generous gesture in coming to the aid of a suffering youth.

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