Zainab Abdullahi: meet the lady who demystified Physics for girls


Zainab Abdullahi, a native of Katsina state in Northern Nigeria. However, she grew up and undertook all her studies at Sokoto state. She was born to middle class parents.

Her father, Mallam Abdullahi Muhammad is reportedly a lecturer at the institution which os why all the stages of her formal education was within the University community.

Zainab attended University Primary school for her basic studies and later to University Model Secondary school where she reportedly also topped NECO becoming the overall best during her final year.

However, it wasn’t until 2019 when she rose to the limelight following Usmanu Danfodiyo University’s combined convocational ceremony.

Zainab was listed as a honoree of First Class Honours. She graduated with an impressive CGPA of 4.81 in the 2017/18 academic session.

This effectively made her the first ever female student to graduate with first class honours from the University in Physics, a discipline which female students shy away from.

Speaking to press later, she said, “It was just dedication and prayers. Since my UG1, I’ve worked hard towards graduating with First Class.” She further remarked about her reading ethic saying “I read to understand not just to pass, so I do not like cramming.”

She further encouraged students to work hard and put in the work if they want to excel in studies. “anytime I had free period, I did not waste it. I read, if not in class, then in the library, or in group discussion.” She added.

Zainab also downplayed remarks made about her being a genius saying “I am not a genius, maybe I am gifted from God. Geniuses do not read, but I do.”

Talking about why she chose Physics, Zainab says it wasn’t her first choice while applying for JAMB. She says her initial desire was to study Medicine.

Unfortunately, though she had all credits in the WAEC and NECO examinations, the problem, according to her, was with the JAMB for the year 2014. This is because the highest in their class had 190 and she 185 hence didn’t make the cut.

She was initially offered to study in the Adult Education course which she says she turned down while emphasizing to her mentor that she had ‘no interest in that course’ and instead requested it to be changed to Chemistry or any other science subject.

“I told them I preferred they change it to Chemistry or any Science subject. I was then told there were three chances for me – Maths, Physics or Statistics. I chose physics because I was sure I could do it and I never had a problem with the subject in secondary school.”

Zainab expressed her interest to pursue teaching. She remarked “I want to remove fear in students about Physics, and I also want to contribute my quota towards imparting knowledge of Physics.”

“Physics is not difficult; from the lowest to the highest level, all you need is just to have the interest. The insinuation that Physics is difficult is wrong. Physics needs constant research ” she advised.

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