Ruto issues tough stance on Raila’s planned rally

During a Church service in Kirinyaga, President William Ruto told off Opposition leader Raila Odinga who is planning a major rally in Nairobi om 23rd of January 2023 due to election rigging claims.

The president reitarated that he is not out to share his government with the opposition. He insisted that he won the election “fair and square” and the opposition should play their role not seek a way into the government.

“I have said it before and nothing has changed, I know what Raila is up to,” Ruto said, “we have no time for him and there is no handshake.”Raila is planning a rally at Kamukunji grounds in Nairobi on Monday 23rd.

This comes after his allied politicians came public with fresh claims of election malpractices asking for the IEBC servers to be produced for audit.

“He is used to such theatrics, he did it in the former President Daniel Arap Moi regime, in Kibaki regime and he also scared Uhuru Kenyatta who invited him into government but we will not do the same,” said Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua during the thanksgiving church service in Kirinyaga on Sunday.

Dp Gachagua came clean and said Ruto shouldn’t worry about Raila since he know his medicine is the Mau mau.Rigathi has been critical of the opposition and has not backed down on how the current regime is set to achieve its goals without uniting with the opposition.

Raila Odinga unsuccessfully challenged Ruto’s win at the Supreme Court after the August 2022 presidential election. Politicians allied to Raila have lately claimed the election was rigged, citing a report by an anonymous whistleblower.

Kenya kwanza Leaders who accompanied Ruto to Kirinyaga, among them Kiharu MP Ndindi Nyoro said the government is focussed on serving Kenyans and has no time with Odinga.

“Mr President, let Raila not distract you, but if he is Organising demonstrations, arrange to even supply them with soft drinks and water,” he said, and warned him not to interfere with businesses.

President Ruto in turn responded to Kiharu mpby saying that the former prime minister has the support of his administration to hold the rally since it is his democratic right and that his administration will provide the required security to the demonstrators.

He further said that Raila can give a schedule of when the demonstrations show will be held moving forward. This, he pointed out, is so that the government can provide ‘enough security’ for the demo goers.

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Aksel Bii

A young outgoing person whose ready to make a change silently.

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