Ruto: Stability in Somalia vital for peace in Horn of Africa


President William Ruto has said stability in the Horn of Africa is dependent on peace in Somalia. The President who attended the Africa-U.S leaders summit emphasized the central role that Somalia plays in maintaining the stability in the Horn, a region which has been crippled by civil war and terrorism for decades.

He noted that leaders have to work together to defeat terrorism in the region. He was speaking on Thursday in Washington, D.C. in the United States of America when he met Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud.

“Kenya and Somalia have a lot in common. We have to ensure that there is stability for the sake of our prosperity,” said President Ruto. President Mahamud on his part credited Kenya for its invaluable role in advancing peace in the region. “Your sacrifices for Somalia is commendable; your contribution to defeat terrorism is phenomenal,” he said.

The two countries have both experienced the worst of local terrorism by groups like the Al-Qaeda affiliated Al-Shabaab which is still posing a major challenge to Somalia after recently attacked a hotel located in the centre of Mogadishu, Somalia’s capital killing several people in the process.

Blinken: U.S will work with Kenya to ensure stability in Horn of Africa

The United States of America will work with Kenya to ensure there is peace in the Horn of Africa. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Kenya is an anchor state that must be in the frontline in advancing stability especially in Ethiopia, Somalia and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Mr Blinken praised Kenya’s growing democracy and entrenching of the rule of law and independence of institutions of governance. He spoke on Thursday during a meeting with President William Ruto at the Washington Convention Center in Washington, D.C.

The Secretary of State said the U.S. Government will enhance economic ties with Kenya on several fronts such as health, security and agriculture. President Ruto insisted that Kenya will stay on course in creating a democratic society guided by the rule of law and independence of constitutional institutions.

Check photos of the U.S-Kenya leaders caucus below

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